What is it like to worship at Market Street UMC?
Market Street is a very informal congregation. Many people attend services in casual clothes. Others wear a suit and tie or a dress. You are welcome to come as you are!
If you visit Market Street on a Sunday morning, expect to have a number of people greet you and introduce themselves – but you’re welcome to sit anonymously in the back. We do not call attention to visitors or ask them to introduce themselves in worship.
Market Street is an active congregation with many programs and ministries, so there is always a time for announcements before worship. There is a time when prayer concerns are also shared at the beginning of worship.
The worship service includes different styles of music including traditional hymns and contemporary songs usually accompanied by a piano or organ. Music is a core part of Methodist worship, and so there is a great deal of congregational singing and we enjoy the music of our adult choir, the youth choir, a bell choir, and occasional soloists. We are blessed to have many talented musicians in our congregation!
Children are welcomed in worship, and there is a children’s sermon every week. There is a nursery for babies and younger children as well. The nursery is staffed by a rotation of experienced volunteers. There are always two volunteers on duty.
We use United Methodist liturgy in every service, which is a common responsive prayer that is experiential in nature. Scripture lessons are read by laypersons from the congregation, and are usually the same lessons shared in Lutheran, Presbyterian, Episcopalian, and other liturgical churches.
The sermon is focused on the Scripture lessons, and often emphasizes the words and actions of Jesus in the Gospel lesson. The message is usually one that connects to daily living and spiritual growth in today’s world, and emphasizes the love of God and faithful grace-filled living. You can listen to some of Pastor Wayne’s sermons online at our YouTube Channel at https://www.youtube.com/@mkstumc.